perjantai 6. tammikuuta 2012


So, I don't know that can I speak finnish but ha ha. So, I have band what's name is BackStageBurners, ha ha.
 Okay, we don't have eny song but mayby sometimes our first song is coming. I play guitar and sometimes sing, ha ha. Band's first song is mayby Oh My God (The New Versions).
Our one guitarist and vocalist was come from Finland but now China, ha ha. Our bands what we would like are Lordi, (SlipKnoT), Nightwish and Iron Maiden.
 We don't have keyboardist 'cause we don't like much it, ha ha.

1 kommentti:

  1. Ha ha, it is great band 'cause we play, mayby in Ruonala's school's VappuRock gig.
